
  • The Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities (OICC) is an international and non-profit organization affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The Organization has no political involvement and does not interfere in the affairs of any state, and whose activities are focused solely on achieving its established goals. 

  • The OICC was established in 1980 (1400 H), and its headquarters are located in the Holy City of Makkah Al Mukarramah and its General Secretariat is based in the city of Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • The OICC is non-profit organization and its financial resources derive from annual membership fees and the revenues on its investments, donations of individuals, institutions, municipalities and governments, in addition to any other resources approved by the Organization.

  • The OICC has a general consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC). It also has consultative status to United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in addition to its membership in several international organizations.

  • The OICC's working languages are: Arabic, English and French.

  • The OICC's membership spans four continents: Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. The OICC current membership stands at 194, including 165 capitals and cities as active members from 54 Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), 9 observer member cities from six non-OIC member States and 20 associate members from ministries, commissions, research and consultative centers and universities that share affinities with the OICC's activities and objectives. 


The Organization Establishment:

The Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities (OICC) is an organization, which was established for capitals and cities of the member states of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation by the virtue of the resolution No. (9/9/ P) issued by the 9th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in the capital Dakar, Republic of Senegal on 17/05/1398 H (24/04/1978).

The 10th Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, held in Fez, Kingdom of Morocco on 10/06/1399 H (08/03/1979) endorsed the draft of the Organization's statute by the virtue of the resolution No. (25/10/ P).

The Organization was officially established in 1400 H (1980) under the name "Organization of Islamic Capitals" by the virtue of a resolution issued by the Organization's 1st General Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah on 11-12 Rabi’1 1400 H (29-30 January 1980. The conference has witnessed the following:

  • Ratification of the Organization's statute.

  • Election of the Organization's Administrative Council Members.

  • Election of the Organization’s Secretary-General.

Hence, the Organization's name was amended to the current name "Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities" by the virtue of the resolution No. (5/2 G) issued by the Organization 2nd General Conference held in Islamabad, during the period from 14 to 16 Jumada’11 1402 H (8-10 April 1982).



OICC Objectives

  1. Preserve the identity and the heritage of Islamic capitals and cities.

  2. Achieve and enhance sustainable development in member capitals and cities and establish and develop comprehensive urban norms, systems and plans that would serve the growth and prosperity of Islamic capitals and cities for the promotion of their urban, environmental, economic, social and cultural conditions.

  3. Promote the levels of services and municipal utilities in Islamic capitals and cities.

  4. Enhance and promote capacity-building programs for Islamic capitals and cities and communities.

  5. Consolidate cordiality, brotherhood and friendship among Islamic capitals and cities, support and coordinate the scope of cooperation between them.


The Organization’s Organs:


First: The General Conference

It is the supreme authority of the Organization that sets its general policy in accordance with its objectives and orientations. 

The General Conference consists of active members who are the representatives of member capitals and cities. It chaired by the

mayor of the capital or the city hosting the General Conference, or his representative.

It convenes in an ordinary session once every three years and it may convene an extra-ordinary session upon a decision from the

Administrative Council or with approval of two thirds of the Organization's active members in response to a request submitted by at

least ten active members who regularly pay their annual membership dues and meet all the membership’s conditions. The General

Conference does not discuss in its extraordinary session any issues other than the ones for which it is convened. The meeting shall be

deemed regular if it is attended by more than half of the active and voting members (absolute majority). In case no absolute majority

of active and voting members is attending, the meeting shall be postponed for two hours, after which it would be a regular and valid

meeting with the attendance of any active members holding a voting right. It shall be held at the Organization’s headquarters, at its

General Secretariat, in one of the Administrative Council's member Islamic capitals and cities, or by correspondence in emergency cases.

The resolutions and recommendations of the General Conference will be taken by voting of the absolute majority of the attending

active members who meet all membership's conditions and pay regularly their annual membership dues. Each member has one vote,

and votes by proxy are not admitted. In case of a tie, the vote of the General Conference's chairman prevails.


Second: The Administrative Council of the OICC and Islamic Capitals and Cities Cooperation Fund

The Administrative Council of the Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities and Cooperation Fund comprises maximum twenty-

eight active members as follows:

  1. Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Al-Quds Al-Sharief and the Organization's Secretary General as  permanent members.

  2. Twenty-three active members as maximum to be elected by the General Conference for three- year term, which could be renewed.

  3. The capital or city, member of the Organization but not member of its elected Administrative Council that is selected to host the General Conference's session. Its membership shall be exclusively for the term of the session in question.

The active member must pay the membership’s dues to both the Organization and Cooperation Fund, particularly for the last three

years at least to accept its nomination for the membership of the Administrative Council of the Organization and Cooperation Fund:

The Electoral System of the Administrative Council:

  1. Membership priority must be given to capitals and then cities.

  2. The variety of geographical distribution among the elected capitals and cities for the membership of the Administrative Council should be considered.


The Administrative Council shall meet in an ordinary session once every year. If so required, the Administrative Council may convene

in an extraordinary session upon a request of the Organization's Secretary General, the Chairman of the Administrative Council, or in

response to a request submitted by at least five members of the Administrative Council and approved by one third of its members. In

its extraordinary session, the Administrative Council discusses no issues other than those for which it is convened. It shall be held at

the Organization’s headquarters, at its General Secretariat, in one of the Organization's member Islamic capitals and cities, or by

correspondence. The Council meeting is deemed valid if attended by more than one half of its membership (absolute majority). In

case it is not attended by an absolute majority it shall be postponed for two hours, after which, it is deemed a regular meeting with the attendance of any members of the Council.

The Administrative Council will be chaired at any ordinary session by one of its members to be elected at the first working session.

His chairmanship will continue till the holding of the next Administrative Council ordinary session.

The recommendations and resolutions of the Administrative Council will be taken by the voting of the absolute majority of the

attending members of the Council who meet all membership's conditions of the Administrative Council and pay regularly their annual

membership dues. Each member has one vote, and votes by proxy are not admitted. In case of a tie, the vote of the Administrative

Council's chairman prevails.


Third: The General Secretariat

Management of the Organization’s works:

The works of the Organization and its organs administer by the Secretary General backed by a number of assistants and employees who comprised the General Secretariat.

Election of the Organization's Secretary General:

The General Conference elects the Organization's Secretary General for three-year term, which could be renewed.


Fourth: Islamic Capitals and Cities Cooperation Fund

A fund affiliated to the organization shall be established to finance municipal services projects, maintenance, environmental and

heritage preservation projects, researches, training and technical cooperation programs in the municipalities of the Muslim countries.

The fund shall be called "Islamic Capitals and Cities Cooperation Fund". Its objectives and activities shall be determined in accordance

with its statute.

Fifth: The Organization’s Award:

An award affiliated to the Organization shall be established that aims at encouraging experts and specialists in the award’s fields;

enriching the Islamic libraries in the Muslim world with references and books based on advanced scientific approach; encouraging the

conduction of specialized scientific researches in all municipal fields; urging the use of digital technology at municipalities and other

related sectors. It shall be called the “Award of Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities”. Its objectives shall be determined in accordance with its statute.


OICC Membership

The Organization's membership includes the following categories:

Active Members:

These are the founding Islamic capitals and cities of the Organization since its establishment in 1400 H (1980), as well as Islamic capitals and cities of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation member countries whose membership is endorsed by the Administrative Council. They are required to comply with the Organization’s statute and regulations, support its objectives, and pay the pre-determined annual membership dues. An active member has the right to vote and nominate for the membership of the Administrative Council if it meets the conditions and criteria of nomination and meets all the conditions of membership and pay the annual membership fees regularly. It also has the right to attend the meetings of the General Conference and to participate in the Organization’s activities, and in its various committees. Moreover, an active member enjoys all privileges and information that provided by the Organization to its members.

Observer Members:

These are the capitals and cities of countries that are not members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. They are required to comply with the Organization's statute and regulations, support its objectives, and their membership is subject to endorsement of the Administrative Council, and pay the pre-determined annual membership dues. An observer member has no the right to vote or nominate for the membership of the Administrative Council, but it has the right to attend the meetings of the General Conference and to participate in the Organization's activities and in its various committees, if requested by the Organization. Moreover, an observer member enjoys all privileges and information that provided by the Organization to its members.

Associate Members:

These are ministries, commissions, organizations, universities, institutes, research and Islamic cultural centers as well as individuals, institutions, public and private sector companies, and associations of public benefit concerned with, and relevant to the Organization’s objectives and activities. They are required to comply with the Organization’s statute and regulations and support its objectives, and their membership is subject to the endorsement of the Administrative Council., and pay the pre-determined annual membership dues.

Moreover, the individuals who are allowed to join the OICC as associate members should be namely, experts and specialists in the fields of architecture, urban planning, city landscaping, environment, e-management (I T), municipal services and local governance.

The individual applicant should have distinctive curriculum vitae in his profession supported by official documents, and he must be nominated by one of the OICC's active members, one of the scientific institutions or one of the international accredited institutions.

An Associate member has no the right to vote and nominate for the membership of the Administrative Council, but it has the right to attend the meetings of the General Conference and to participate in the Organization's activities and in its various committees, if requested by the Organization. Moreover, an associate member enjoys all privileges and information that provided by the Organization to its members.


OICC Relations with International and Regional Institutions and Organizations

OICC Consultative Statuses

  • General consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC).

  • Consultative status with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

  • Consultative status with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).


OICC Membership in International Institutions and Organizations

  • Member of the UN Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations (CONGO).

  • Member of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).

  • Member of Organization of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG).

  • United Cities and Local Governments - Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA).

  • Sustaining member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

  • Member of the Euro-Arab Cooperation Centre (EACC).

  • Associate relationship with the UN Department of Public Information

  • Observer member of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

  • Observer member of Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).

  • Observer member of Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA).

  • Observer member of Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRTCIC).

  • Observer member of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO).

  • Observer member of the Organization of Islamic Ship-owners Association (OISA).

  • Observer member of Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI).


Friendship and Cooperation Agreements

The OICC has concluded friendship and cooperation agreements with institutions and organizations of common interests to assure the importance of continuation and development of relations with these institutions and organizations:

  • Islamic Development Bank (IDB).

  • Arab Towns Organization (ATO). 

  • International Association of Metropolis (METROPOLIS)

  • International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).

  • Centre for the Environment and Development of the Arab Region and
    Europe (CEDARE).

  • United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN- HABITAT).

  • Union of African Towns (UAT).

  • Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning, University of Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.

  • Tatar State University of Humanities and Education, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.


These agreements are aimed at:

  1. Exchanging experience between the Organization and the member capitals and cities in the fields of planning, housing, city and  public facilities management, environmental protection and other important areas likely to help achieve the sustainable development of Islamic capitals and cities.

  2. Expanding the scope of cooperation and consolidating relations between the Organization and the member capitals and cities.

  3. Exchanging visits, experts and information and co-organizing training sessions, symposia and scientific conferences.

  4. Undertaking studies and developmental projects in the OICC capitals and cities.

  5. Facilitating contacts and cooperation between OICC and institutions and organizations concerned with local governance, housing and public facilities.


About us

There is a long-standing fact that the readable content of a page will distract the reader from focusing on the outer shape of the text or the form of paragraphs on the page he reads. Therefore, the Lorem Ipsum method is used because it gives a natural-to some extent-character distribution instead of using "here there is text content, here there is text content" making it look like readable text. Many desktop publishing and web page editing programs use ipsum lorem by default as a text template, and if you enter "lorem ipsum" in any search engine, many new sites will appear in the search results. Over the years, new and different versions of the text of Lorem Epsom have emerged, sometimes by chance, and sometimes intentionally by introducing some comic phrases to them.

Our vision

There is a long-standing fact that the readable content of a page will distract the reader from focusing on the outer shape of the text or the form of paragraphs on the page he reads. Therefore, the Lorem Ipsum method is used because it gives a natural-to some extent-character distribution instead of using "here there is text content, here there is text content" making it look like readable text. Many desktop publishing and web page editing programs use ipsum lorem by default as a text template, and if you enter "lorem ipsum" in any search engine, many new sites will appear in the search results. Over the years, new and different versions of the text of Lorem Epsom have emerged, sometimes by chance, and sometimes intentionally by introducing some comic phrases to them.

Our goals

There is a long-standing fact that the readable content of a page will distract the reader from focusing on the outer shape of the text or the form of paragraphs on the page he reads. Therefore, the Lorem Ipsum method is used because it gives a natural-to some extent-character distribution instead of using "here there is text content, here there is text content" making it look like readable text. Many desktop publishing and web page editing programs use ipsum lorem by default as a text template, and if you enter "lorem ipsum" in any search engine, many new sites will appear in the search results. Over the years, new and different versions of the text of Lorem Epsom have emerged, sometimes by chance, and sometimes intentionally by introducing some humorous phrases

Team Member
