Domains, Fields and Categories of the OICC's Awards


The OICC undertakes to grant its awards every three years in the following three domains:


      First     : Authorship, Writing or Translation Award.

      Second: Scientific Research Award.

      Third   : Municipal Projects and Services Award.


Each one of the three major domain breaks into four fields as indicated in the following table:


Authorship, Documentation or Translation Awards


Municipal Projects and  Services Awards


Scientific Research Awards

  1. Architecture Award.

  2. Urban and Regional Planning Award. 

  3. Municipal Services, Landscaping and Environment Award. 

  4. Management and Municipal Systems Award.


  1. Architecture Award. 

  2. Urban and Regional Planning Award. 

  3. Municipal Services, Landscaping and Environment Award. 

  4. Management and Municipal Systems Award.


  1. Architecture Award.

  2. Urban and Regional Planning Award 

  3. Municipal Services, Landscaping and Environment Award. 

  4. Management and Municipal Systems Award.


OICC Awards Categories

1- The winner (or winners) of the first awards will be granted ten thousands USD or its equivalent, in addition to OICC’s shield and certificate of recognition, and if there are more than one winner of the first awards, the value of the prize will be equally divided between them. 

2- The winner (or winners) of the second award of each field will be granted OICC’s shield and certificate of recognition. 

3- If the winner of each branch of the awards is one of governmental authorities or municipalities or governorates or owner or contractor will be granted OICC’s shield and certificate of recognition. 

4- OICC will invite winners to attend the opening ceremony of the OICC's General Conference and covers the cost of travel tickets of winners to receive their awards, and the capital or the city that will host the activities of the General Conference will cover their accommodation expenses.